One Night in Parachute

The experience was so intense, it’s like it happened yesterday. I don’t imagine I’ll ever forget it. I believe Thom took me there because he knew that life was going to get extremely difficult for me and he wanted to make sure that I survived. He knew from past experience what was there.

He was right. Things got really bad. I lost my house I paid on for 15 years. I lost my business. I lost all my investments, most of my supplies and all of my savings. I was left with the remnants of my business and a beat up RV. We lived in a relative’s back yard for a while. We lived in a friends driveway until the city threw us out. We lived in another friend’s driveway until the city threw us out again. Then we pulled behind the barn and lived there until the cops came for the friend’s pot field.

It worked.   Every time I feel complete despair and I want to give up, I remember Parachute, and I think, “I don’t want to spend Eternity with some demon breathing down my neck.” I’m pretty sure that’s what that was all about. It happened on the way to a show in Colorado when we stopped at a rest stop in Parachute, Colorado. This happened sometime in 2004, and I know Parachute has grown enormously. I don’t know if the rest stop is even still there. We had the Pinnacle RV, which we ended up calling the Debacle, and that’s another long story.

We pulled in, had dinner and went to bed. Then it started.

I had the most horrible intense realistic nightmare I had ever had. I was in a room and there was something behind me, breathing on me.   I only knew that it was unspeakably evil and I kept trying to get to the light switch on the wall by the door and I couldn’t.   It was behind me, breathing on me. I felt such overwhelming horror, it’s hard to describe.

It was so horrifying that it woke me up. I told Thom, who had the same nightmare and then we went back to sleep. I had the same nightmare over and over again. The breathing on my neck, the fear, the absolute terror and the the inability to get away from it…

I woke up again. It went on all night, again and again and again.

It went on all night long…

I have only had a repeat dream a couple of times in my life, but never over and over and over again. I can’t really begin to describe the horror, the fear,  the sense of despair, the terror, and the sheer evil.

I have never again experienced anything like it. I believe now, that it was a glimpse into Hell. I now believe that Hell is real. Every time things get so unbearably difficult I start wishing I were dead, I remember Parachute.

So, if you’re considering suicide. Don’t do it. I think you will be sorrier than you can imagine.

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